Katherine Ingram, MA Katherine Ingram, MA

On Receiving and Being Received

And all pain is a call for love. To greet and welcome and listen to someone where they are, as they are, is love. When we are on the receiving end of that love, we are held. We are safe. We are empowered.

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Katherine Ingram, MA Katherine Ingram, MA

No Doubt

Doubt can take the most wonderful wish and turn it into an impossible fantasy. But we don’t have to let doubt destroy our dreams; by acknowledging our fears and chosing our thoughts, we can create the future we dream of.

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Katherine Ingram, MA Katherine Ingram, MA

Coaches and Counselors and Therapists, Oh My!

If you’re in the market for some sort of therapy, it can be hard to know where to start. Should you see a counselor? A coach? Therapist? Shrink? Here’s a handy little guide to help you decipher who does what and what to look for when you’re ready to get some support.

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Katherine Ingram, MA Katherine Ingram, MA

Success, Love, and New Beginnings

The only meaningful success is Love: that you gave it and received it. The pure energy and joy of Love in all it’s many manifestations is without question the greatest success there is.

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Katherine Ingram, MA Katherine Ingram, MA

Out of the Darkness

Solstice marks the darkest day, but it also presages the return of the light. The reason we light candles and green our homes is to hold the ancient hope that light will return. Hope and possibility emerge from the darkness.

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Katherine Ingram, MA Katherine Ingram, MA

Giving Thanks

Giving thanks acknowledges our appreciation, gratitude and connection. It keeps the energy of generosity—and recognition and kindness—circulating.

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Katherine Ingram, MA Katherine Ingram, MA

The End is the Beginning

It’s hard to let go, even when you know it’s time. It’s hard to absolutely trust that something new will come once you let go of what needs to move on. But with understanding, self-compassion, and a bit of bravery, your ending can become a new beginning.

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Katherine Ingram, MA Katherine Ingram, MA

Turning the Page

We tell ourselves all sorts of stories. The problem is, our stories are often wrong.

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Katherine Ingram, MA Katherine Ingram, MA

Yes Man

Saying, “Yes,” opens your horizon as well as your heart. “Yes,” is an attitude of courage and openness. “Yes,” is trusting that, by risking yourself and opening to life, amazing things will happen.

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Katherine Ingram, MA Katherine Ingram, MA

Big Love

To love a child purely, selflessly, without condition, for all of time — this is the gift that a mother gives. And it reflects the all-encompassing love of creation.

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Katherine Ingram, MA Katherine Ingram, MA

A Bend in the River

Saturn returns are a sort of spiritual boot camp. They occur roughly every 29.5 years and are characterized by pivotal personal change and transformation. Saturn returns ask us to grow, to claim our inner authority, and to become more of who we truly are.

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Katherine Ingram, MA Katherine Ingram, MA

Spring Cleaning

Spring cleaning is about self-worth. It’s believing that you are worthy of a fresh start, worthy of love and beauty and abundance. Releasing what binds and blocks you allows all that goodness to come in. A true spring cleaning puts you in flow, into a place where Life and Spirit can move.

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Katherine Ingram, MA Katherine Ingram, MA

Taking the Reins

Anxiety can easily run away with us if we are merely reacting to it’s jitters. The best way to halt the runaway fear before it begins is to sink down, breathe, and take the reins.

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Katherine Ingram, MA Katherine Ingram, MA

A Lamp, a Lifeboat, a Ladder

Whatever your occupation, age, or state of health, you can live your purpose every single day by choosing to grow through all your experiences and by having the intention to connect with others. In doing this, you will discover joy. You will live your purpose.

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Katherine Ingram, MA Katherine Ingram, MA

Into the Dark

By seeing the darkness as the companion to the light, rather than its adversary, we find more of who we really are and why we are really here. We become enlightened.

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Katherine Ingram, MA Katherine Ingram, MA

In Defense of Melancholy

Melancholy is a temperament. It means “mournful,” “soberly thoughtful,” “pensive.” If it were a crayon, melancholy would be Cornflower Blue rather than Midnight Blue or Pitch Black. Melancholy is the condition of being exquisitely sensitive. It is the experience of taking in all of life at once, without excluding the painful or uncomfortable.

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Katherine Ingram, MA Katherine Ingram, MA

Endings, Middles, & Beginnings

Any loss can trigger grief and all loss begins a three-part process of transition. Knowing how to navigate these transitions is key to creating a bigger, better next chapter.

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Katherine Ingram, MA Katherine Ingram, MA

Notes from the Nest

We all face multiple, major transitions throughout our lives, times when our identities dissolve and we have to re-form and become someone new. The transitions can be delightful or they can be wrenching. Sometimes, they are both. Here’s how to survive the passage.

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Katherine Ingram, MA Katherine Ingram, MA

The Path Ahead

There are many things we can’t imagine doing or surviving, but somehow, we do. The path forward is not always clear, but we can trust that we will make our way, step by step.

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