I’ve been a seeker for as long as I can remember.
But many of my life experiences nudged me along as well, most notably the sudden death of my father when I was eight and my husband’s death in a plane crash two decades later.
These and other challenges inspired what became my psychological and spiritual journey. I delved deeply into Jungian psychology, Christianity, Buddhism, Native American spirituality, the Enneagram, metaphysics, and Taoism. I’ve gained great insight, wisdom, and guidance from all of these traditions, and my understanding of them informs both my personal and professional paths.

Mixed in with all the serious stuff have been many wonderful experiences.
I’ve traveled in Europe, the Middle East, Indonesia, Greece and Mexico. I worked for a number of years as a paralegal in San Francisco where I rode a moped to work in high heels. I acted in the Ashland Oregon New Plays Festival for three seasons. I was blessed to have two amazing children late in life.
I’ve been on a number of podcasts, written a newspaper column (they still exist) for 15 years, an award-winning memoir, a workbook, and a nifty little self-help book, Grief Girl’s Guide, which shows you how to get through your grief, why it’s important, and how it can recreate you in beautiful and unexpected ways. (Kintsugi, anyone?) In 2023, I had my 15 minutes of fame when I was interviewed by Nightline and Good Morning America about the benefits of psilocybin microdosing. So much fun!
The Credentials
Northwestern University, BA, History
University of San Francisco, MA, Counseling Psychology
Pacifica Graduate Institute, Doctoral studies in Depth Psychology
Self-Belief Coaching Academy, CSBC Certification
The Fun Stuff
Dogs, non-fiction, blue jeans, broccoli,
Jasmine Pearl tea, bicycling in the summer, the wine country, Lillet Blanc (look it up; it’s fabulous), mini donkeys, jazz standards, dry humor, good conversation, and all things Italian.
Taoism, metaphysics, the Enneagram, 74 degree days, period dramas, the San Francisco Giants, Ted Lasso, Michael Bublé, and, most especially, my two, hugely talented artist children.
(Also, country music — my guilty pleasure.)
Two quirky dogs in one of the “Top 10 Coolest Small Towns in America” — an historic gold rush town in the wine country of Southern Oregon — where I grew up and where I returned after living for two decades in Chicago, San Francisco and Portland.