A Lamp, a Lifeboat, a Ladder

“Be a lamp, or a lifeboat, or a ladder. Help someone's soul heal. Walk out of your house like a shepherd.” ~ Rumi

I have a shelf on my bookcase fairly devoted to the subject of finding one’s purpose. I sought this elusive, holy grail for longer than I care to admit. I read more books than I can count. I took courses, prayed, sought psychic guidance. I saw a career counselor who told me — eyes lifted above her glasses and no expression on her face — that I was “raised to be retired.” I confess that during this protracted quest, I was unwittingly equating purpose with career.

Rookie mistake.

After years of meandering — reading, seeking, contemplating — I finally found my answers not in the business section of Barnes & Noble, but in Rumi. I finally learned that career and purpose are not necessarily related (at least, not the way I thought). More importantly, I discovered my purpose.

My purpose is to grow — through all of life’s experiences, “good” and especially “bad” — and, in the process, to be a lamp, a lifeboat, a ladder to those I encounter along the way.

Man, how I wish someone had taught me this when I was young! It would have saved me a lot of time, money and anguish. But the journey to this point was itself an experience, and one that I am sharing here. Perhaps my little story will be a lamp for someone, or a ladder. Who knows? And that’s the gorgeous thing about soul experiences and learning and growing and sharing: This is how we create real and authentic connection, connection that inspires hope, provides encouragement, and helps us realize that we are not alone in our shame, our wandering, our suffering and challenges.

Your purpose is grow and to extend a hand. Why? Because Life always seeks expansion, and because we are all connected. What I do for (or to) another, I do for (or to) to myself. The Golden Rule isn’t about being nice: It’s the profound recognition of this very real, energetic, connective reality. We are all made of the same stardust, the same energy. We are all sharing the same planet. As you grow and share, you inspire others to do the same. When you elevate yourself, you elevate others. When you elevate others, you elevate yourself. You expand. You make Life better. You embody the Spirit of Love.

So, whatever your work, whether you’re retired or a student, whatever your age or state of health, you can live your purpose every single day. You can choose to grow through your experiences, rather than just go through them. You can be a light to show someone something beautiful about themselves or show them a path based on your own experiences. You can be a lifeboat and companion them from where they are to where they need to be. You can be a ladder, helping them to rise up, or climb out. You can do all this just by being you and by having the intention to live your purpose. And in doing this, you will discover joy. You will live your purpose.

How cool is that?

In this spirit of growth and purpose, I have a new group offering. The Soul Matters Mastermind is for women 35+ who would like to meet other like-minded explorers to share, lift, learn, grow, and create deeper connection to Self, Spirit and others. This in-person group, limited to eight participants, will meet Saturdays 9-11 beginning February 4. Cost is $85 per session and a six-week commitment is required. Contact me at kate@kintsugicoaching for more information and to register.

KATE INGRAM, MA., CSBC, is a life transitions coach, counselor, author, lamp, lifeboat and ladder. She loves exploring the intersection of Spirit and everyday, messy, human experience. Learn more at kintsugicoaching.com or write kate@kintsugicoaching.com


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