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Seasons of the Heart

This past week I received two newsletters. The first, from writer Maria Popova in her exceptional weekly offering, Brain Pickings, shared an excerpt from author Katherine May’s book, Wintering, about the quiet, difficult seasons of life and how to allow them. The second, from Eileen at our local, fabulous bookstore, Rebel Heart Books, described the loss of her husband’s parents to COVID-19 in February.

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Pandemic Fatigue: Time for Something Else

When I was giving birth to my daughter, there came a point—about twelve hours into my unmedicated, at-home, every-90-seconds-a-contraction back-labor odyssey—where I was done. I looked up at my midwife, bleary and exhausted, and said, “I don’t want to do this anymore.” She smiled, beatifically, and said, “Okay. Let’s do something else.”

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Appearances Are Deceiving

A famous lyric from Gilbert and Sullivan says, “Things are seldom what they seem.” I’m going to bump that up that a notch and say that things are never what they seem. There’s always more to the story. 

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Problem or Possibility?

I’ve been having a week filled with messages: Message after message, all on the same topic. It’s as if someone up there is trying to deal with a lousy cell phone connection. Can you hear me now? Can you hear me NOW??

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Baby Driver: What's Your Passion?

I am an incredible parent. I know this because there are moments in my parenting life where I stop and think, “Man, these kids are darned lucky.” One of these moments happened this week. During a meeting at my children’s school my son was reminded of the school’s philosophy regarding course selection

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Five Things to Stop Doing

One of the (few) perks of getting older is having a longer view of life. Being a newly-minted mother of two teens, I’m remembering just how inwardly awkward and stressful adolescence is. Figuring out who you are and how to navigate life is rough on rats. And parents.

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The Heart of Success

For being so cold and bleak, February is a pretty darned happy month. There’s the lunar new year — with its joyful celebration of new beginnings and opportunities for success — and Valentine’s Day, stirring thoughts of the heart. It all has me thinking about the heart of success.

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Grief and the Holidays

The solstice is almost here! I always count the days to Solstice because at that point, the light will begin to grow again. Even though it won’t be obvious that the light is returning for many weeks, I know it in my heart, and that makes all the difference.

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