The New SEO: 8 Steps to A More Soulful Life


Soul Energy Optimization: The New SEO 

In my last post, I discussed the importance of Soul: finding it, listening to it, and allowing it to express itself. Soul, as a reminder, is the interior, animating energy in every living thing. It’s not the same as Spirit: Soul is our unique manifestation of Spirit. It is the “is-ness” which, when we connect with it, creates a life that feels purposeful and meaningful because it connects us not only to our true self, but to back to our source, which is universal love.

The question is, how do we revive Soul—a subtle, invisible, formless, internal entity—living as we do in a noisy, gadget-gawking, consumption-oriented society that constantly pulls our attention away from our inner life?

The answer is something I’m calling Soul Energy Optimization. This new SEO is my spin on “search engine optimization,” the process by which tech wizards, using certain mysterious incantations, substances and strategies, make sure that a particular entity appears at the top of the list of Google search results. Put very simply, SEO makes you visible. What I am calling Soul Energy Optimization utilizes the same principle, but rather than helping others to find you, this technology optimizes your ability to find yourself. Cool, yes? And, unlike digital SEO, this technology is absolutely free.

So here it is in a nutshell: 20 minutes a day to completely change your life. You will find more peace, more creativity, more balance, more presence, more appreciation and more joy. Really. Try it and see. I double dog dare ya.


This first step is ridiculously easy, but it may present a challenge. For a little while each day, ten minutes to start, sit somewhere comfortable where you can be alone and quiet—no phone, no music, no yoga, no book, no foodand don’t do anything. That’s it. Just you and quiet and the desire to connect with something deep within.


Here’s an extremely powerful, valuable tip I discovered for opening to Soul. Speak your intention aloud. “May I open to my Soul’s deepest desire,” “May I fully inhabit the life I came to live,” or my favorite, “I am open and willing to receive,” are powerful affirmations and they work.


Soul is quiet and it does not always communicate in words—seldom, as a matter of fact. The language of Soul is symbols, and its energies connect with ours through emotion (emotion is energy-in-motion). Pay attention to what you hear, what you see, and what you feel, both during quiet time but especially throughout the day and week. The messages are usually subtle, so pay attention to everything, even and perhaps especially to what you might be tempted to disregard as your “imagination.”


You may hear a message in a scrap of overheard conversation, or open a book to a certain sentence or you might notice a particular animal or a pattern in the clouds. Remember that Soul speaks in symbols. Give your inner skeptic a week off and try not to minimize or ridicule your experience. “Miracles” are what we see when we climb out of our limitations and expand our vision.


Part of this process of opening is releasing your preconceived notions about who you think you are and why you think you’re here. Pretend that you don’t have a clue, that you’re not already a lawyer or accountant or “just a housewife.” Forget how old you are or what the balance is in your bank account. Soul is not confined by time and space, so age and circumstances become meaningless. Return to the bliss of being six years old, where all things are possible and your dreams were limitless.


The more you practice the technologies above, the clearer the messages will become. Remember, Soul wants nothing more than to emerge. The more you respect your internal life, the more it will speak to you. Where attention goes, energy flows. Keep at this every day and you will be richly rewarded by its deeply comforting presence.



In addition to quieting and inviting and listening and respecting, you need to nourish your inner life. Walks in nature (no phone, no aerobics), appreciating or creating art, reading poetry or inspirational words are excellent ways to nurture the soul. I find the poetry of Mary Oliver and David Whyte to be particularly soulful. One could do worse than to begin each day with a beautiful poem; it sets the tone for the day.


In developing a relationship to Soul it can be terrifically helpful to have someone to work with who can help interpret what is happening (especially when blocks arise), provide counsel, and offer support and encouragement. A Celtic term for this is an Anam Cara, or Soul Friend: someone who is subjective, honest, wise and truthful. My spin on this is “Soul Coach.” Soul Coaching is one of the best gifts you can give to yourself. It can change your life.

Kate Ingram

KATE INGRAM, M.A., is a counselor, life transitions coach, award-winning author and sassy spiritualist. Her newest book, Grief Girl’s Guide: How to Grieve, Why You Should, and What’s In It for You, is available now at To find out more about working with Kate or to receive her newsletter—chock full of witty wisdom and absolutely free—at


Ego vs. Soul: A Balancing Act


Soul Matters: Finding Your Essence