Peace and Patriotism

On May the second, I drove through our little town early in the morning taking my son to school, and was greeted by a display of American flags along California Street. I wondered what holiday it was, but quickly realized it wasn’t a holiday; it was a celebration of Osama bin Laden’s death–or killing to be precise. And since that time I have been consumed by a deep and abiding consternation and a heavy heart.

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The Web Of Life

Spring has officially arrived at our house, heralded by the arrival of yellow daffodils poking up under the walnut tree and six fuzzy, baby chicks peeping away in our bathtub-become-brooder. I am surrounded by Life, by the clamor of two children, eleven chickens, two rats, a Golden Retriever and a newly inherited, deaf, mostly toothless terrier named Henry, and I’m loving it.

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Do You Know Who You Are? (Here's a Hint: You Are Love)

“Remember who you are.” This is a great quote from The Lion King (a movie I’ve seen more times than I can count, thanks to little people who live with me). The son of the deceased king hears the deep, resonant voice of his father speak these words in a moment of discouragement and perceived impotency.

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The Secret of Life

Remember “The Secret” craze a few years back?  It was all about manifesting your heart’s desires.  Unfortunately, its focus was all about manifesting material desires, which is no secret whatsoever; we all know how to get stuff: whine, cajole, marry well. (I’m kidding. Sort of.) But the REAL secret lies in this quote from the Gnostic Gospels.

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Wu Wei: The Art of Non-Doing

It’s happened again. I’m at yet another crossroads, uncertain which direction to go. The genesis of my most recent ambivalence was the kind suggestion from an editor that I “put aside” my memoir and try my hand at fiction. Reading her letter, I felt all the energy ooze out of my body and onto the floor. Surprisingly, I wasn’t upset, but I was disappointed. Deflated. Now what?

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How to Have a Truly Happy Holiday

The season of celebration is upon us; lots of Happy Hanukkahs, Merry Christmases, and Happy New Years flying about.  It sets me to wondering about this happiness business, and it IS a business, as I am sure you very well know.  Equally obvious is the fact that all the stuff being foisted upon us at every turn contributes not one iota to our happiness.

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I was walking on the trails with my retriever, Tucker, the other day, happy to be out alone with him and to enjoy some tranquility. At one point on my walk, I realized that I had completely missed the last hundred yards of the trail, having become lost in my numerous thoughts, and I was struck, once again, by how very easily that happens; how we can blot out our current experience by drifting into busyness.

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